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If they were saved from a social media platform they would be low-resolution and blurry. 
We scan something that was previously printed (like a business card or flyer)but the scanner will pick up the dot pattern and will cause some blurriness/cross-hatching. 
The scan will inevitably be of lesser quality than the previous print. We recommend if you do not have a high-resolution file of your logo, let us rebuild it and provide you with one so you can use it for any and all applications.

Generally, vehicle graphics can last a long time, however we typically say 3-5 years. Yes, it will preserve the paint and protect it. However, should you choose to only apply a partial amount of vinyl and leave it on for years – then you will see fade in your vehicles paint where there were no graphics.

Depending on the complexity of the graphic, you may be able to install yourself. We can discuss the process with you and if you feel comfortable with it, we will provide you with written instructions and an application squeegee.

In most case, yes, but in order to do this, our designers will need to spend some time producing a vector (scaleable) graphic. This does require an initial investment, but once you have a vector file, you can use it for anything from business cards and business signage to vehicle graphics and apparel.

We do understand that last minute requests happen, therefore we do offer a rush service. Our rush service fee is $50 for orders up to $250 or 20% above $250. This is subject to change depending on the complexity of the order.

While we do try to move projects along as quickly as possible, our normal turnaround time is 1-2 weeks after proof approval. 

While we do understand the concern of committing to a project before seeing the final outcome, a custom design does require time. Therefore, prior to receiving a digital proof of your project, we do require a 50% deposit after quote approval.

Vector Art is preferred – a PDF, eps, or SVG file is great for optimal output.

Either you can send this to us or you can stop in for us to take the notes but we will need the following:
Make, Model, Color, and Year of Vehicle / Logo and/or other graphic files you would like incorporated into your wrap design.

Get Your Graphics Today